2020 Goals Check!
Hey y’all! I’m back with a brand new (overdue) blog post. I originally planned to have this out in December of 2020 but I had tons of things happening in that month so I decided to take a little bit of R & R time and rest up. Everyone knows that January is a test run month anyway so I’m actually right on time, right? In the spirit of documenting my accomplishments all 2020 (mid-year check in June is here), the second part of the year was truly where a lot more accomplishments were made and some goals were met so I want to share them with you!
Weight Loss
I wanted to lose about 15 lbs since the start of the year but I didn’t start to take any of it seriously until after a chat with my girlfriend. How am I supposed to unlock my bad bitch status without a dash of discipline? That is when I decided to invest in a trainer. I committed to an 8-week online program that consisted of a strict meal plan, exercise and accountability. What a challenging ride that was! During the first week I wanted to quit so bad but I’m happy I didn’t and was able to accomplish that goal. I started the program at the end of July and by September I was at my goal weight. I have been able to keep the weight off too.
Road tripping for the fourth of July and my birthday in December were two of the best trips I’d taken in a while. They made me fall in love with the idea of staycation/road trip style vacations so I’m definitely going to incorporate more in the future. I was also able to safely travel out of the country to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with two of my girlfriends and while that was probably the least active trip (in terms of itinerary) but most unforgettable. We made some of the best memories on that getaway. Although travel in the year 2020 didn't include Thailand and Greece, I’m grateful to have been able to travel given the circumstances surrounding Covid.
Cookie Monster!
New Pup
I randomly got a dog you guys! Her name is Cookie, she’s a little over a year old and she’s a Maltipoo. She is the sweetest well-mannered dog who has been my little sunshine throughout the later part of 2020. I have to admit that my outgoing personality was suffering a bit by missing out on the usual social day-to-day interactions with co-workers, friends and even random strangers. Getting a dog has definitely helped curb that desire to socially interact. It was honestly the best decision I could have made. Mama loves you Cooks!
Skate Bae!
Create Content
Since I’ve been working from home I was able to devote more time on creating more content. I didn’t realize how much time and energy is taken from you while working a full time job, not to mention the commuting time to and from work. The shift in focus became major once I was able to add more time to my calendar just by being able to be home 2 to 3 hours earlier each day. I was able to tap in to my creative process and go full steam ahead. The most satisfying part about it was the acknowledgement from my peers. It made the work all the more worth it and it is especially encouraging to keep growing. Thank you all for noticing!
Brand Partnerships/Collaborations
Not only did my peers recognize the grind. I was fortunate enough to be able to expand my resume by working with some really cool brands (KISS Products, Dove & Nine West, Joah Beauty, Wet n Wild, Wal-Mart), which included a few paid opportunities. The goal is to grow and create lasting partnerships with brands, without ever compromising my integrity so I want to maintain authenticity and work with brands that I actually use.
New Job
I closed the year off with a bang and couldn’t be any more proud of how I handled 2020. I started a new job in sales & service fund management, which is a transition from what I’d been doing the past 2 years (contracts & grants fund management). I particularly love the mission of my new place of work that pledges to support schools in becoming self-directed, resourceful, and collaborative communities committed to social justice.
I had been on a quest to be more aligned with the things that are most important to me and one of them is being a part of something much bigger than myself by being of service to others in some capacity. This role seems to check off all of those boxes. I am currently in the process of getting acclimated to the new role so it has been a challenge to juggle staying creative while focusing on overcoming the steep learning curve. I am committed to giving myself so much grace during this time.
I don’t have many goals for 2021 because 2020 laughed at my lengthy list of agenda items. They don’t say “fool me once shame on you” for nothing. I heard it loud and clear as 2020 unfolded. I’m going to practice being present, cautious and taking it one day at a time. Maybe 2021 will be way more kind to all of us.
XOXO Lipstickcoco