Stay Slayed & Paid
Images by @jonnieface_photo
So some of you know that I do paid focus groups and it’s been a hustle of mine for several years at this point. I have an OG blog post on the ins and out of it. I often feel like that post gets lost in the shuffle because it’s one of the first posts on this blog but I wanted to touch base on that mini phenomenon because I have been feeling extremely blessed these past few weeks. I’m always discovering new market research companies to sign up for to increase my chances to make more bank so of course I wanted to share the wealth.
I’ve had a really great couple of weeks. I won a huge make-up giveaway from Black Radiance and an Instax disposable camera from Instasize AND I made $650 in focus groups in two weeks! 3 of the 6 focus groups I booked were done in the comfort of my own home and on my smartphone. You literally get paid for giving your opinion. In a world that is ruled by social media, we live in a time where everyone has a platform to give their opinions , for FREE, why not make a few extra hundred dollars? If you never get picked, are you filling the surveys out as you receive them? Remember, these surveys are usually time-sensitive so the sooner you fill out the questionnaires, the better chances you have at getting selected. They have a quota to fill demographics so if it’s not you, they will pick someone else. I usually check them first thing in the morning when checking my email.
Please note that I am only advocating for y’all to make extra cash cause let’s face it, LA is expensive. Why not soften the financial burden? Also note that I normally make that in a month’s time, but even then, making a few 100 bucks for little to no effort other than doing what you were gonna do for free isn’t a bad idea.
I have a few new links down below and a link to my older blog post that features other companies. My older blog posts touch on the surveys you want to look out for and which ones are worth your time. Also, these surveys are free in case your were wondering. There is zero out of pocket costs.
How I Funded my Vegas Trip with Easy Earned Cash
Switching gears and shameless plugging… Check out this shoot that was orchestrated by Jonnieface_photo. DTLA Arts District Edition.