It's Funk'n Brunch
What's the one thing humans can't live without? Food! And what's one thing Los Angelenos like to do? Brunch!
Do you have friends you haven't seen in months? How many times have you seen their picture pop up on the 'gram and you leave a comment, "yassss boo! I miss you! Let's meet up soon," yet days turn to weeks, then months and before you know it, it's been a full year since you've seen some of them? No, just me?
Planning hangouts has become such an impossible feat and is not at all how it used to be back in our college days. Now, some of us have demanding jobs, children and husbands to juggle, which has shifted the way we are able to spend most of our free time.
Funk'n Brunch was launched sometime early last year but was put on hiatus a few brunches later because I had to tend to some personal things, however it's back! What is Funk'n Brunch you ask? Brunching weekly can get expensive and one of the top 3 topics discussed when trying to reconnect with friends is food. If I met up with each of my friends individually for brunch every week, I would be bankrupt and quite frankly, it's much more fun to eat and to act belligerent with your tribe. Brunching as a collective is also an opportunity for new and old friends to meet, try new banging food spots, talk about life, discuss new and exciting ventures and duh, take cute pics!
Funk'n Brunch, in short, is a way for me to continue to see my friends on a semi-consistent basis. Sure we talk on the phone, or text each other and stalk each other's social media profiles (maybe just me?) but none of that is better than face to face interaction - even if its only for couple of hours every month or so. I encourage everyone to get your group of friends together on a monthly basis, if possible, or every few months and just vibe. Life's too short!
SIDENOTE: Sage Organic Vegan Bistro is bommmmmmb! The food is insanely good! I am not vegan, but some of my friends are. I am pretty open to eating all types of food but I was not prepared for the party these tastebuds of mine had while enjoying my meal.
Brunch Babes!
A candid! Eyes closed & real laughter. I live!
Massacred the food clearly LOL
Live out loud!